Investments of this company are co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund and the Free State of Bavaria. Single-enterprise investment support for SMEs in the ERDF priority area. We invest in the construction of a new warehouse with a production hall with office space, as well as in the acquisition of production facilities.
24-hour-service: +49 (0) 9565 - 615 700

Industrial parts and ultrasound cleaning

Industrial parts cleaning uses various methods to remove contamination and deposits from components made from metal and non-metal materials. Our highly qualified staff decide which cleaning method to use, depending on the product. We use degreasing and de-oiling, as well as immersion or ultrasound cleaning to give you the best possible results That is because we know that how clean a highly sensitive component is, can be absolutely critical for optimum production results.

Watch an excerpt of our component cleaning process using modified alcohol.

Effective cleaning methods with professional parts cleaning equipment

In order to clean your components properly, we use modern, high quality parts cleaning equipment which meets all current standards. Every individual cleaning process can be defined precisely. The parameters are entered directly on the machine. These depend on a number of factors, such as the type of component, the nature and degree of contamination and the required level of cleanliness. Our cleaning units are state-of-the-art and meet the very highest industrial demands. They are able to clean different sizes of components.

Make use of the potential of our machinery:

  • patented, rotating, multi-sided spray systems with counter-rotating basket intake system
  • goods movement to aid the cleaning and drying effect
  • flow and spray cleaning
  • steam degreasing
  • floodable cleaning chamber (100% of batch height)
  • vacuum flood process for use of high performance immersion cleaners
  • ultrasound cleaning
  • fine filtration to filter fine dirt particles before the cleaning/rinsing process
  • coalescence-oil separation system with integrated surface suction
  • special jet arrangement which facilitates certain cleaning results
  • vacuum drying
  • removable comb filter to trap coarse dirt particles in the return flow after cleaning/rinsing process
  • full stream filtration when emptying the working chamber
  • energy optimised circuit filtration
  • temporary short term or long term corrosion protection

Spray, flow and ultrasound cleaning – the ideal method for each component

Using our professional equipment, we are also able to run two cleaning processes in parallel. Spray or flow cleaning removes contamination from your components in advance. In a second bath, sensitive components are given temporary short term or long term corrosion protection using conservation agents. This kind of industrial parts cleaning is ideal, above all, for components which are very sensitive, small in size, or have a very complex shape. Once the actual cleaning process is complete, the drying process starts. This is done either using impulse blasts of hot air or by vacuum.

At the end of every cleaning process, a cleanliness check is carried out as part of quality assurance. This process ensures that the industrial parts cleaning has achieved the desired result and that we can meet your expectations fully.

The decision in favour of a certain cleaning method depends completely on the level of contamination of the components and the requirements regarding residual contamination. Our experts would be delighted to help you with this.

Water based parts cleaning with a range of equipment

Water based parts cleaning can be handled using a range of equipment. The most common equipment includes chamber, bath and through-flow units. In each case we set all the parameters precisely in accordance with your components. We know exactly how long the cleaning agent needs to act on your components in order to remove all the particles of dirt required. We also set the temperature of the last bath, where degreasing, fine cleaning and the finest level of cleaning take place. To support this, we also have ultrasound, spraying or flooding. These processes remove the loosened particles of dirt. Our customers say the results speak for themselves. In addition, “inhibited cleaning agents” guarantee reliable tarnish protection.

Component cleaning using modified alcohol

Whether in the cutting and reforming industry, the aerospace and aviation industry, medical technology or other sectors, our modified alcohol units are used where the objective is grease-free surfaces. Steam pre-degreasing makes a significant contribution to a higher level of cleaning quality. This results in optimised degreasing performance, which has a positive effect on parts which are to be coated on laser welded after cleaning.

Ultrasound for special challenges

Dirt can be removed from even the smallest, most complex shapes using ultrasound cleaning. Ultrasound transducers are used in this type of industrial parts cleaning. These ensure that high frequency sound waves are emitted to the liquid. Another innovation when it comes to better cleaning results is the possibility of using ultrasound at the same time as filtration. During the cleaning off process, particles are removed and can no longer be deposited on the component.

These vibrations, which have a frequency of 20 to 400 Hz, bring about a cleaning process, which works in a similar way to a brush. All required dirt particles are removed in this way. Ultrasound cleaning is ideal as a “fine washing process”, or for cleaning smaller, particularly sensitive components.

Industrial parts cleaning and other subsequent services

Take advantage of our many years of service in this industry. To ensure that we are able to deliver optimum results, we are continually training and always keep our equipment right up to date. We would be delighted to show you concepts which include other services after industrial parts cleaning. We can take on sub-assembly fitting, quality assurance or control, reworking or other logistics tasks for you on site. Find out more about our services, and you are very welcome to visit our company!

Wacker parts cleaning means:

  • professional, industrial parts cleaning
  • spray, flood and ultrasound cleaning
  • degreasing and de-oiling
  • best possible results with efficient cleaning equipment
  • conservation and corrosion protection
  • range of services at the end of the cleaning process
  • Orientation according to the guidelines on quality assurance processes in component cleaning of the Industrial Parts Cleaning Association.

Please ask about the industrial parts cleaning that you require! Go to the contact form here or just call us on +49 (0) 9565 615 70-0

And what’s more, Under the heading “Highest level of cleaning quality – just in time”, the Journal for Surface Cleaning technology reports on Wacker Quality Assurance in their 08/2015 edition as a reference company for Mafac GmbH – manufacturer of industrial cleaning units.

» You can find the full article here as PDF

3D animation of water based parts cleaning

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